I would definitely recommend Morris and In Control Dog Training to anyone looking for a dog trainer. My wife and I have an 8 month old female Jack Russell named Lucy. Lucy was very friendly and never aggressive but she did have some behavior issues. The main problems we were having were lack of discipline and stubbornness. Lucy did not listen well; she would constantly dart off when we tried to catch her. In addition, her energy was becoming annoying to visitors. She would jump on them and playfully nip at their feet. This would not stop until we picked her up and put her outside. We were also very hesitant to let Lucy out of our sight or out of a fenced- in area for fear that she would get into some type of trouble.

If you are looking for Jack Russell puppy training in the Mandeville, LA area, contact us now.

Morris was able to change all this. Within the first week she was a completely transformed dog. She was still the lovable, energetic dog that she was before but only better because she was actually starting to listen to us and respect our commands. As the weeks went on she got better and better. Believe it or not, I don’t even need the leash to walk Lucy anymore. Letting her off the leash in the front yard was something we would have never considered before In Control Dog Training. Morris did a great job! He was very patient and informative with his training. And unlike some other training we had previously done, the things she learned with him were remembered when he left. Lucy is a much better dog and we are a much happier family thanks to In Control Dog Training!

Benson and Paris H
Mandeville, LA

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